Orders are shipped worldwide with USPS signature kkonfirmation in a special, unique #SWOUP delivery pakkage kkreated & kkurated by Paper Platoon. No two #SWOUP pakkages are identikkal, makking for an elite & limited experience.
Each pakkage inkkludes #SWOUP sent by @SparkMasterTape himself, exkklusively to you. (The level of your purchase dikktates the purity of the #SWOUP. Fukk around and get a FLASH drive with unreleased SPARK & PLATOON.) All shipments are dispatched in customized PAPER PLATOON shipping materials & inkklude TOP-SEKKRET Platoon Dokkuments.
Shipping rates available at chekkout page.
Once your order ships, you will receive an email with trakking information.
Please allow 2-4 weeks from your order date for item(s) to ship.
Due to the handmade nature of our produkkts, all sales are final.